Managing Product Updates

When a product you have a local code applied to is updated by the manufacturer, you will have to decide what you would like to do with the applied code. This guide will show you how to manage products in your range that have been updated by the manufacturer.

You can get daily emails about products in your range that have been updated by following the guide on Turning on Product Change Alerts

Only Wholesaler Admin users can manage Wholesaler Product Codes on the account

Managing Product Updates | Step 1

On your Wholesaler Dashboard, there is a panel that notifies you how many products in your range have been updated that require your attention. Clicking on that panel will take you to your product list with a filter applied for all products in your range that require attention because of an update.

Managing Product Updates | Step 2

You will be presented with the products that require review and you will be presented with 2 green buttons next to the current version number the code is attached to:

  • A green arrow to step the code to the latest version of the product
  • A green hand to dismiss the latest update and hold the code on the current version of the product.

You can click the yellow version number at the end of the row for the product to see the latest version and the version history to make a decision about what you would like to do with the code.

If you want to apply a different code to a different version of the product in question, you can follow the guide on How to Apply a Wholesaler Product Code which will show you how to apply a code to a version that isn't the latest