Image Standards Guidance

Erudus Image Standards

The Erudus Image Hub is a great resource for manufacturers to centralise their product imagery making it easily accessible within their organisation while simultaneously making that imagery available to the wholesalers and caterers that use the Erudus Image Hub to satisfy the imagery needs within their business.

The Erudus Image Hub is used by wholesalers use in their printed marketing materials and is also used to automatically push images to e-commerce platforms and other internal systems.

The images published to the Erudus Image Hub should therefore be of an appropriate standard for marketing products and follow guidelines that ensure consistency when imagery from within Erudus is used throughout the supply chain in various services.

With this in mind, the Erudus Image Hub will only approve images that follow a set of standards designed to present a uniform and professional look for different image types within the Image Hub.

Pack and Case Shot Imagery

The requirements for pack and case shot imagery in the Erudus Image Hub are as follows:

  • Images uploaded are in .jpg or .png format
  • Images need to be sized at least 1024 pixels in any one direction (width or height)
  • Image resolution should be ideally 300dpi (dots per inch) so the image can retain quality when printing but a minimum of 72 dpi to retain quality for web display
  • The product must be shot on a white background
  • The product needs to have some padding within the frame and have a good ratio between the product and the background
  • The product must be straight in the frame and not skewed
  • The image must be in focus and any text on the product's packaging must be legible
  • The colour and contrast of the image should be accurate and representative of the product

Below are examples of approved pack and case shot imagery that is in line with standards guidance

Product Out-of-Pack Imagery

The requirements for product out-of-pack imagery in the Erudus Image Hub are as follows:

  • Images uploaded are in .jpg or .png format
  • Images need to be sized at least 1024 pixels in any one direction (width or height)
  • Image resolution should be ideally 300dpi (dots per inch) so the image can retain quality when printing but a minimum of 72 dpi to retain quality for web display
  • The image must be in focus and clearly show the product out of the packaging
  • The product must be straight in the frame and not skewed
  • The colour and contrast of the image should be accurate and representative of the product

Below is an example of an approved product out of pack shot that is in line with standards guidance

An example of an approved product out of pack shot

Lifestyle Imagery

The requirements for lifestyle imagery in the Erudus Image Hub are as follows:

  • Images uploaded are in .jpg or .png format
  • Images need to be sized at least 1024 pixels in any one direction (width or height)
  • Image resolution should be ideally 300dpi (dots per inch) so the image can retain quality when printing but a minimum of 72 dpi to retain quality for web display
  • Images need to be in focus and clearly show the product out of the packaging
  • The artistic style will differ between each manufacturer but lifestyle photography is typically an image of the product prepared and presented in such a way that makes it look appealing

Non-Marketing Specification Image

Manufacturers are able to publish non-marketing images to a specification to offer a visual representation of the product to users viewing specifications. The only requirement for non marketing images is that images need to be sized at least 1024 pixels in any one direction (width or height).