Version Control for Erudus Specifications
When a manufacturer makes a change to an Erudus specification a new version of that specification will be created while making the previous versions available to wholesalers that may be stocking historic versions of a product.
Erudus product version steps are governed by which attributes are being changed on the specification and are categorised as Major and Minor changes.
Major Changes
A Major change to a specification creates a full 1.0 version step of a specification and represents a significant change to the product. Some attributes that would cause a Major change version step include:
- A GTIN change
- Product weight
- Product pack size
Minor Changes
A Minor change to a specification creates a 0.1 version step of a specification and is not considered to represent a significant change to the product. Some attributes that would cause a Minor change version step include:
- Product description
- Waste packaging updates
- Accreditation changes

List of Attributes That Cause a Major Change
As of the launch of version control for Erudus specifications on the 8th of January 2024, below is a list of all attributes that will cause a Major version change for an Erudus specification:
Do note that the Erudus schema is subject to change and therefore the attributes below may change. A live version of the specification schema can be found at This Link.
- Manufacturers Product Name
- Product Name
- Manufacturer Name
- Label Owner
- Brand
- Manufacturer Product Code
- Outer Case GTIN
- Total Quantity of Inner Components in Outer Case
- Outer Case Gross Weight
- Outer Case Height
- Outer Case Depth
- Outer Case Net Weight
- Outer Case Width
- Total Quantity of Inner Packs in Outer Case
- Inner Pack Height
- Inner Pack Depth
- Inner Pack Width
- Inner Pack GTIN
- Is Inner Pack Splittable?
- Inner Pack Gross Weight
- Inner Pack Net Weight
- Quantity of Inner Components in Inner Pack
- Quantity of Cases Per Pallet
- Pallet Gross Weight
- Pallet Height
- Quantity of Cases Per Pallet Layer
- Quantity of Layers Per Pallet
- Component Name
- Manufacturers Component/Product Code
- All Artificial Ingredient Declarations
- All Allergen Declarations
- Allergen Risk Source Declarations
- All "Free From" Declarations
- Ingredient Declaration
- Inner Component GTIN
- Inner Component Diameter
- Inner Component Weight
- Inner Component Volume
- Inner Component Depth
- Inner Component Width
- Inner Component Height
- Net Drained Weight